
What a story! I put the proposal in the mail today. I was going to do a friend a favor and babysit for her this morning, so I had my envelope all ready to go for a Saturday morning, 7:30 AM mailing.

I drove to the post office, said a little prayer, put it in the mail box and…it promptly GOT STUCK! I am not kidding you! Fully wedged in the drawer! i could not get my hand in far enough to get it out, and I could not shake the drawer hard enough to get it to fall completely through to the cart below!

I could hear the postal people in the back, so I knocked on the door…no answer. I rang the bell…no answer. I was beginning to panic and was imagining all sorts of things like, "It’s a terrible sign, etc." I decided to tell my dancing gremlins to settle down and drove around the back and through the gate where I found the crew outside smoking. They had a good early morning laugh as I shared my dilemma and promised to go back inside and set the proposal free.

As I drove to Aspen to keep my promise to my girlfriend, I had a multitude of thanks for living in a small mountain town, where everybody really does know your name and is willing to laugh with you and help out in a "pinch."