Gypsy Spirit Out-posting

2 Responses

  1. THANK YOU so much for your comment on my blog! It still amazes me when someone says they love my blog, or that they were inspired-I still feel like a new blogger (though it’s been a year now) who’s just stunned by all of the inspiring blogs/artists online. I’m glad I found your group too, though I have to tell you I’m a little lost because I haven’t bought your book yet (payday is friday and it’s the first thing I’m going to get on amazon! I can’t wait to read it!!)
    I am still enjoying browsing through all the photos and all, and just love the look of it.
    I look forward to chatting again, hope you have a great week!
    p.s. thanks for adding me to your list! that made my day:)

  2. Hi Sheri!
    I am in the middle of reading your new book “Creative Awakenings”, and I must say I am truly enjoying it!
    Every week I feature a book that is in my “Creative Library” on my blog and would love to feature your book next week!
    Having been a professional artist for over 30 years and owning a store front….I must say your book is truly helping me regain some type of “control” in my life! Sometimes I don’t know if it is menopause or just knowing that my life is probably only about 30 more years or so (which I use to never think of), but I have always tried to show women that it is NEVER to late to fulfill a dream. Now if I could just follow my own rules.
    You got my attention because being a Native American & Cajun we are ALWAYS taught…to “walk our talk”! 🙂
    Look forward to hearing from you…you can visit my blog and see some of the other books I have featured in my older posts at
    I look forward to hearing from you…until then have a beautiful & creative weekend! xo…deb