It has been a week of inner reflection for me. In keeping with my June Intention, "Receiving," I am finding time to sit quietly and listen…not to the outer noise of the world, but to the reverberating of my own heart. 

Going within isn't an easy thing to do. In between the heartbeats, I can hear the inner voices. The Toads can surface and very often the committee has something to share that is not very supportive…and often not valid. Such is the nature of life. The challenge as always is not to grasp onto their croaks and barks, but to move into the place of inner truth and AUTHENTIC WISDOM. 

AUTHENTIC WISDOM, is knowing the steps and milestones we have taken within our transformational journey. AUTHENTIC WISDOM, comes from knowing we have the capacity to create whatever we want in our lives.

Interestingly, the closer we get to reaching for what we want, the louder those Venomous Toads bark! This is where our Book of Dreams comes in. Keeping a Book of Dreams, allows you to have a visual representation of your intention. It helps when you feel as if you have stumbled on the path.
One of the greatest gifts I have received living here in the Rockies, is to become VERY aware of how my mind plays tricks on my soul. 

My mind-and the Toads-have the capacity to tell me some pretty bizarre stories. These stories have the capacity to stop me dead in my tracks, if I grasp on to them. It's my choice. I can also notice them and say,"Oh, there's one of my Toads stories (awareness), what else might be possible if I were to imagine something else and choose to create my own story? (empowerment).

Next week in our June One Community Read Along group, we will begin working on our Milestones Passport. The Passport is another way to find truth. When we have a visual recording of our accomplishments, it can help us to trust that next step. It helps us to know we have been there before, so we can remember at a cellular level, that we can in fact LIVE OUR DREAMS, one baby step at a time!
Here's to supporting one another on the path! Come join us…